Minju Joson | Minju Joson, the organ of the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly and the Cabinet of the DPRK
Senior State Officials Visit Families of War Veterans

 Senior Party and government officials, including Kim Tok Hun and Choe Ryong Hae, members of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, and leading officials of armed forces organs in the DPRK visited families of war veterans on Wednesday on the occasion of the great V-Day which gave immortal glory and prestige to the country.

 Those officials called at war veterans in Pyongyang to warmly congratulate them significantly greeting the V-Day with pride and honor of being victors.

 They told about the great love and revolutionary obligation of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un who has repeatedly shown all sorts of benevolence, saying that the war veterans left an indelible trace in laying a solid foundation for the existence and development of the state and have still served as a spiritual pillar for our Party and people no one can substitute.

 They, together with war veterans, spent a good time in the homelike atmosphere, expressing thanks to the family members devoting themselves to the health of the war veterans, not only the masters of families but also the benefactors who defended the country with blood, and true teachers who taught an example of patriotic life to their descendants.

 The war veterans earnestly asked the officials to hold the great Comrade Kim Jong Un representing the destiny of the country and people and their future in higher esteem and remain intensely loyal to his idea and leadership for the eternal victory of socialist Korea and the prosperity of posterity.

 The officials hardened their will to devote themselves to the sacred cause of building a powerful country, more keenly aware of their noble mission in steadfastly carrying forward the loyalty and patriotic spirit of the victorious wartime generation as the bloodline of the Korean revolution. 

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