Minju Joson | Minju Joson, the organ of the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly and the Cabinet of the DPRK
Unique Scenery: A Vegetable Field

One October day in Juche 103 (2014) the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un visited the newly built solar greenhouses in the Wisong Scientists Residential District.

He spoke highly of the greenhouses, and explained their advantages.  

 When he was guided to the vegetable field at the entrance of greenhouse No. 1, he personally felt the leaves of bok choy with his hand, saying that vegetable farming were good and each plant had a large head.

Then he went to the radish field framed with lawn, and seeing the well-rounded radishes, said in a satisfied tone of voice that the vegetable field looked like an experimental plot of a vegetable institute and it would be difficult to find anywhere else such a place where there were a footpath inside the lawn and a vegetable field inside the footpath.

Very pleased to learn that more things could be given to the scientists, he stressed that fresh vegetables of various kinds should be supplied to them in every season and the employees should create a model in greenhouse vegetable farming.

He continued that the scenery of the vegetable fields in the green area of the residential district was unique, and that many good scenes were born in course of building the Wisong Scientists Residential District.

The spectacular scenery like the vegetable fields in the district is an eloquent proof of showing the happy life of our scientists who are leading a worthwhile life in the embrace of the great fatherly leader.

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